I’m an author and history enthusiast who writes historical novels – mainly set during the
Late Medieval Period and in the Napoleonic Wars. I also write short stories and poems that frequently insert themselves into my mind and demand to be written – you will be able to read some of them here. You will also find an extract from my award winning novel ‘Renaissance – The Fall and Rise of a King’ in which I approach the telling of King Richard III’s story in an entirely different way.
From time to time I will also post snippets from my current writing projects – from ‘Renegade,’ which is the sequel to ‘Renaissance’ and ‘Forget Me Not,’ a romantic suspense novel, that moves from the battlefields of the Spanish Peninsula to the fashionable drawing rooms of Regency England and the agony of Waterloo – where Maximillian Hawkridge, aide-de-camp to Wellington and Isobel his wife – are torn apart by the schemes of a greedy, malevolent woman.

A sample of some 5 Star Reviews from readers of ‘Renaissance’
‘The author obviously knows her history – but she also knows how to write.’ ...... ‘The characters come vividly to life, a lovely piece of writing.’ ...... ‘Moving and enthralling.’ ...... ‘An enthralling blend of fact and fiction.’ ...... ‘Written from a very unusual angle which raises this above other King Richard III novels.’ ...... 'Skidmore transports the reader into the moment in a way I have rarely experienced.’

The Plain of Redemore, 22nd August 1485 Richard III – betrayed and defeated! His gaze sweeps over the bloody carnage surrounding him. A cry goes up: “We have found the king!” He sees Henry Tudor standing triumphant over a mauled

Part I of the novel I am presently working on. The sequel to ‘Renaissance – The Fall and Rise of a King. The story continues with Francis Viscount Lovell. Richard III’s greatest friend. A man of peace who turns avenger. Devastated by

Grant Me The Carving of My Name
I was delighted to be asked to contribute a short story to this book. An international group of authors who have all been inspired by England’s last Plantagenet King, Richard III, are working together to raise funds in support of
I regularly upload with details of my research activity. I share some of my recent work and publications. I also like to share memories of events I have attended with images where available.

- The 11th Century Norman Gatehouse to Tickhill Castle - possibly the oldest surviving in England.
- Winter sunset on a Yorkshire moor
- Rievaulx Abbey
- Tickhill's ancient millpond
- Snape Castle - home of Catherine Parr last wife of Henry VIII.
- Remains of vast Ravensworth Castle, its dry moat and earthworks dating back to 12th century - in the forgotten valley of Holmedale.
- Knaresborough's Tudor Courthouse
- Skipton Castle - built in 1090 - home of the Cliffords, guardians of Craven since 1310.
- Ripley Castle Parkland
- Studley Roger Deer Park
- The Wetlands at Staveley - Yorkshire Wildlife Trust's Nature Reserve near Boroughbridge.
- Helmsley in the North York Moors
- Fountains Abbey
- Towton Memorial to the dead of the longest and bloodiest battle fought on English soil between Yorkists and Lancastrians in the Wars of the Roses.
- Mount Grace Priory Church - home of the hermit-like Carthusian Monks.
- Ripon's 12th Century Leper Chapel, where Nuns cared for the lepers in the city and those passing through, nursed the sick and gave alms to the poor.
- An autumn walk along the Ripon canal towpath England's most northerly canal.

About Me
I grew-up in a small medieval city located on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales, close to Middleham and York where I met and married my soldier husband. After following the flag for a number of years, I returned home

Richard III Interview
Joan Szechtman for the Richard III Society (American Branch) interviews Marla Skidmore. Have you always wanted to write? No, I am not one of those authors who have always known that they’ve wanted to write; I came quite late to