It’s wonderful to know that ‘Renaissance’ has engaged a reader – also a talented author – who is not a fan of King Richard III. Julia Bell says: “I loved this novel and I’m happy to give Renaissance five stars.
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? A hopeful walk
We walked the lanes up to the old barn on the moor above our village this morning. It was wonderful to be out and about in the bright sunshine. – even though I was kept on the lead for the
Northallerton Library ‘Write-In’ Workshop
Today, I spent an amazing morning at the Northallerton Library, with a wonderfully creative group of people. I am still amazed that my 750-word unfinished story was able to generate such a widely diverse response. One was an action
I was a guest on “My Porridge & Cream”
Thank you Sandra for inviting me to write about my ‘favourite of all time’ novel on your Blog and sharing why I so enjoy re-reading ‘Emma.’ I had such fun linking up with Jane Austin’s delightfully drawn heroine and the
An Invitation to Write with me.
I’ve been thinking about when I first felt the need to write. I remember feeling overwhelmed, not knowing how and where to start. I read dozens of ‘how to be a successful writer’ books – full of advice on planning,
Stanley…in the garden
I’m a bit poorly today and it’s a very s****y day! What do you humans say when it rains a lot? Oh yes! ‘It’s raining cats and dogs.’ Well.. I don’t know about the dog bit but it would make
Wed 22/01/2020 10:00-12:00 Marla Skidmore, Write-in. Ever fancied finishing a story? Join us for a fun day and find out., Northallerton Library, 1 Thirsk Road, Northallerton DL6 1PT
Appreciating God’s Own County
The decorations are stored away in the loft for another year, the cards are being recycled and the tree has been turned into chippings for the flower beds. Christmas 2019 is done. What is in store for 2020? I’m not