You wouldn’t normally expect to find this topic on the website of a writer of historical fiction but I’m also a parent and grandparent and feel very strongly about the safety of our children. This useful little book can help anyone who is a Carer or involved with children and young people, to keep them safe.

No-one likes to think of children being abused or neglected but many children continue to suffer harm, often adults don’t know how to help them.

A friend of mine, a retired Social Worker, with many years’ experience of working in child protection, has recently published a short guide to safeguarding children. ‘Keeping Children Safe’ by Morgan Williams, is aimed at the general reader who has little or no knowledge of safeguarding.  In a straightforward way, it explains what abuse and neglect is, and what to do if you have any concerns.  It also looks at how family problems, such as mental illness, domestic abuse or drug and alcohol addictions, can affect children.

Morgan explains what people need to do about their worries and how to make a referral to Children’s Social Care.

I think it deserves to be in our homes, on public bookshelves – any place that deals with children.

Available on Amazon in paperback and as an ebook on Kindle.




Safeguarding children and young people.

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